Discover the Colorful World of Frens-Gang

On a mission to paint the web3 universe with colors 🌈

Ready To Paint The Web3 Universe With Colors?

Ready To Paint The Web3 Universe With Colors?

Ready To Paint The Web3 Universe With Colors?

Cowboy Fren

Bomber Fren

King Fren

Happy Fren

Join the Frens Gang ✊

A colorful, doodle-themed universe where your NFT unlocks varying and exclusive levels of access & utility. As a member of the gang, you will help to build this colorful universe.

The story begins with 3,333 frens on a mission to paint the web3 universe with colors.

Frens🌈 Gang

What Creates Our Community Is You

Join our beautiful community today & be a part of the frens-gang.


Twitter Frens


Discord Frens

Meet the Frens

3333 cute buddies are here to make new frens

Happy Fren

Bomber Fren

King Fren

Cowboy Fren

Happy Fren

Bomber Fren

King Fren

Happy Fren

The Roadmap

A nft roadmap is a strategic planning tool used to set desired outcomes, milestones into the marketplace.

Phase 1

Minting of Frens Collection

Art-Work Reveal, Rarity Disclosement & Partnership with Projects

Phase 2

$FRNS Utility Token & Staking

Each fren will be rewarded with utility token($FRNS) upon staking their NFT

Phase 3

Community Giveaway & Raffles

20% of royalties from the secondary market sale will be used for giveaways & raffles

Phase 4

Frens Merch

Every fren will be able to spend their $FRNS tokens to get exclusive, and limited f-merch

Meet our Fren-ly Team

A creative workplace gives employees the ability to come up with unique solutions to challenges instead of simply told what to do.

Alex Key

Project Lead

Andrew M. Bryant

Art Director & Designer

Jack Bradley

Partnership Lead

Nathan Jr.

Community Lead

Frequently asked questions

FAQ used to refer to a list of answers to typical NFTs questions that users might ask.

Frens-Gang is the newest and most exciting NFT collection. Our team of experienced professionals have come together to create a unique collection of illustrated frens, each one with its own personality and charm. Each fren is represented by an NFT token, which can be collected, traded, and displayed in your digital wallet.

Frens-Gang NFTs are not just PFPs, We are building an NFT gated community, where your NFTs unlock exclusive access & utilities. Every β€œfren” will get his pocket β€œfren” money to be able to enter raffles, buy frens merch or to spend it on frens rewards.



The proceeds from the launch event will be used to cover the costs associated with the development and launch of the 'Frens-Gang' NFT collection, such as artist fees, smart contract development costs, and marketing expenses. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will be allocated to fund ongoing development and community-building efforts for the collection.

This may include the development of new frens, the creation of special editions or variants, and the expansion of the collection to other platforms. We believe that these efforts will not only benefit current holders, but also attract new buyers and increase the overall value of the collection.